dictionary unique c#
c# 5.0 - Data type for storing object pair other than Dictionary in C#.
c# - Is there a better way to aggregate a dictionary using LINQ.
c# - How to implement a multi-index dictionary? - Stack Overflow.
So after removing the duplicates the Dictionary 's key count should be 4. c#. But i want the unique dictionary key count. .. c# × 465489.
I cannot use Dictionary because the key has to be unique. I could. Browse other questions tagged c# c#-5.0 or ask your own question. tagged.
Basically I want something like Dictionary<Tkey1, TKey2, TValue>, but not (as I' ve seen here ... Unique Dictionaries in a list of dictionaries(c#).
c# - Removing duplicates in Dictionary Key - Stack Overflow.
C# Multi-key Generic Dictionary - CodeProject.
Only the first distinct instance of a key (and the instance's value) should be .. Good way to get the key of the highest value of a Dictionary in C#.
How to edit value data in a dictionary C# - Stack Overflow.
Only the first distinct instance of a key (and the instance's value) should be .. Good way to get the key of the highest value of a Dictionary in C#.
Jul 4, 2008. NET Framework,C# — ppetrov @ 1:24 pm. Tags: Dictionary unique values, Key Value mapping, One to One Key Value mapping, Unique keys.